Since November 2017, Windrider Transit has provided fare-free rides to over 26,700 passengers - and as of April 2024, we are averaging around 28 passengers per day! The fixed route services are free, with buses running five days a week from 6:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. and stopping 138 times per day; and, half-day Saturdays, with 45 stops, from 8 a.m. until noon! We provide rides to elderly, disabled, youth and the general public. Windrider Transit also provides Dial-A-Ride services for medical/dental/eye/beh. health appointments to/from Bozeman and around Livingston. Some passengers have no means of transportation, some cannot operate vehicles, some choose not to drive; however, all are able to use our safe, friendly and reliable transport option. This important program provides critical social service connections in the community that some citizens might not be able to take part in due to lack of transportation. Public transportation also contributes to both the economical and physical health of individuals, it brings financial benefits to communities and, it provides not only jobs in the industry itself but is also a key component of a healthy business ecosystem by increasing mobility options for both job commuters and customers alike.
The routes run as far east as Livingston HealthCare and south near McDonalds and Albertsons with access to nearby shopping, medical, eating and lodging establishments. The routes include other fixed stops at the Ace Hardware and Town & Country shopping centers; Park High School; several downtown locations; and, some stops on the north side of town at Summit Apartments, the North Side Park, NorthTown housing development, and the Katie Bonnell Park. Because we have additional buses in our fleet, we are also able to provide special event chartered services.
The Half Day Saturday routes were originally funded through a Rural Transit Assistance Program grant and are now (as of 4/1/23) partially funded through a Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) Extended Services grant. These two grant opportunities also allow us to provide FREE dial-a-ride (DAR) services (we pick passengers up near their house curb) to and from Bozeman (twice per week - Tuesdays and Wednesdays) and around Livingston (Thursdays) for medical, dental, vision and/or behavioral health appointments!