Park County Drop In Center

About this Organization

The Park County Drop In (PCDIC) center will assist those who are struggling with behavioral health challenges, addiction, isolation, and homelessness. There will be meetings run a few days each week. The meetings will center around addiction challenges and mental health topics such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Self-management and recovery training (SMART) classes, 12-step education programs, and illness management and recovery (IMR), just to name a few. We will also offer meetings on life skills such as: contacting potential employers, tips for a successful interview, composing a resume, cooking skills, meditation, and exercise management to alleviate anxiety and stress. Other ideas will be suggested and entertained by the clients who are using the Park County Drop In Center.

The people we serve will be those who may be unable to find therapy or assistance for their needs in Park County. They may be experiencing housing instability, but they may also be searching for a place to be with others that gives them a sense of community. The Park County Drop In Center will be a welcome and supportive place to serve our community members, assist with accessing resources, and a place to build connections. Times are difficult, and access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment is difficult to find, the PCDIC will be a place for people to find compassion and connection as they work toward their recovery. Park County is experiencing a housing shortage, an unavailable rental market, a lack of available and affordable child care, a reduction in state assistance dollars, and recovery from a pandemic, so the PCDIC will provide a safe place for people seeking services and support during the day. With the partnerships of agencies supporting our target population, the PCDIC will be a one-stop shop for social services. Park County residents and neighbors deserve a space for inclusion, equity, and a place to connect and build community to prevent isolation and provide wrap-around care.

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