Operation Christmas Caring

About this Organization

Operation Christmas Caring is a program designed to help underprivileged youth throughout Park County experience the joy of Christmas! The program began back in 2016 (originally called Operation Christmas Lights) when an individual law enforcement officer approached Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch with an idea to partner in an effort to provide gifts to those in need while also providing a positive experience with law enforcement who would deliver the gifts on Christmas Eve. That first year, the goal was to reach 100 youth and raise $10,000 (enough to spend $100 on each youth). The goal was successfully achieved as 108 youth received gifts and we hit the $10,000 mark!

Since 2016, the program has continued to grow each year in numbers served as well as in funds raised. Last year, 2023, Operation Christmas Caring purchased, wrapped, and delivered gifts for 375 youth from 163 families! The amount of funds raised were approximately $45,000!

In addition to growing the program in terms of youth served and funds raised, the number of partnering entities has grown as well. This collaborative effort has been mainly supported by staff and volunteers representing Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, Livingston Parks and Rec, Livingston Food Resource Center, Livingston Healthcare, Expedition Church, and all local law enforcement agencies (Police, Sherrif, Highway Patrol, Fish Wildlife and Parks). There have been numerous other individuals and groups who have donated items, funds, and time.

Each and every year the need continues to grow within our community as well as the Operation Christmas Caring program. Each year has seen an increase in the amount of monetary and volunteer support needed to pull off this blessing to the Park County communities!

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