Colter Pass, Cooke City, Silver Gate Community Council

About this Organization

The Colter Pass, Cooke City and Silver Gate community Council is a Montana nonprofit corporation and IRS section 501(c) 3 organization. Like most nonprofit corporations which are formed to benefit their communities we struggle to raise sufficient dollars to carry out the public service projects we would like to benefit the health, safety and welfare of our communities. We operate a building which serves as a community center, a museum and a home base for the Chamber of Commerce visitor center. Our primary challenge is really the same as the primary challenge being experienced by the entire Cooke City, Silver Gate area of the county. We struggle to maintain adequate restroom facilities for the community. In addition to our ongoing goals of maintaining the museum and public restroom facilities we have for years advocated and promoted other community projects serving the community and tourists. We have developed and maintain Silver Gate Park which is a Park County Park but needs our community support to serve the heavy gateway tourist traffic. We bring the Montana Shakespeare in the Park presentation to silver Gate each summer. We publish the weekly Cooke City Newsletter which is the primary dissemination of community and business news in the area. Each year, we have a Christmas Extravaganza, bringing Santa and gifts to the kids in town. Also, we hold a "Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast community social to bring our community together. In 2023, we started an event "Forget Me Knot Fest" to the area. This event was created from the 2022 flood disaster to bring the community together and the create tourism dollars for the businesses. This has allowed us to give back $10,000 to go towards community projects. Cooke City Montana Museum has sponsored a museum fundraiser in 2023 and again in 2024 to raise money for Historical Signage. This project will help keep and tell the history of our area. This will include signage for standing historical buildings, and a driving and walking brochure.

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