What do we achieve? Big Brothers Big Sisters helps children achieve success in school, helps them avoid risky behaviors such as teen pregnancy, youth suicide, trying drugs and alcohol, and helps them improve their self-confidence. We hold ourselves accountable to our supporters by regularly measuring our impact.
Whom do we serve? Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks to change the lives of children facing adversity between 6 and 18 years of age. Our volunteers, donors, and supporters come from all walks of life and all backgrounds.
What do we do? Our unique brand of one-to-one mentoring, in which a child facing adversity is carefully matched with a caring adult mentor in a relationship supported by professional Big Brothers Big Sisters staff members, changes lives for the better forever.
Our Numbers. 90% of our Littles report a better sense of the future; 94% have improved their academic performance; 97% report having higher self-esteem; 94% are better able to avoid substance abuse.